Another Milestone achieved in Life -- Graduated from University.
I guess I am back again. Finally, after a hard and long year, I could finally deliver some news. First of all, I finally graduated with a degree in Dentistry. Well, of course, it was so damn hard. (Of course, I still got viva borderline for that killer OMOP subject ). But anyway, I made it. And, it is such a relief. I am extremely grateful for the achievement and the people who have been along this journey with me. Final Year as a Dental Student is not easy, clinics started with chaos because we are no longer having an assistant. You need to plan ahead all the time, be very flexible and agile when working. Patient management and time management, and constant planning and replanning your clinical progress are crucial if you want to always be on track. Tackling the patient's expectations as well as playing your abilities and your knowledge up to your strength while treating your patient is important if you want to work accurately and fast. You need to be able to take on ...