BUS + PACAK!! ^^!!!!!
Took a bus home yesterday. Wakaka! It's my first time going home by bus. I have been begging my parents to let me take a bus home since form 1, and i finally had the chance yesterday. I almost missed the bus. Lol. The shopkeeper in azfar is such a slow tortoise. Luckily, Fish call her guy to call me and i asked him to take the change from the cashier. Thanks! If not I do never make it. Got up the bus and sat with Fish. The ticket man gave me a ticket for 60 cents. I wasn't paying attention to the ticket and I just squash it quickly into my wallet. When i got home, i thought that since it's my first ever bus ticket, I would keep it ( thx to Fish for reminding...XD). So i took it out and the legend of lucky number 21 popped into my mind. My number was 5556. So 5+5+5+6 = 21!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!! I'm just so LUCKY! I guess this is call beginner's luck...XD And today, i was taking the bus home again. This time the bus was really really full. I have to sit at the back with Mar...