38 women's day

It's the exam week. And my heart is now being divided into three parts, debate, exam and A.

But don't worry, i wasn't that crazy like my Malay classmates, i never shout or scream like wan pei when she see dameinv and che che or ...ice beauty? (black beauty better....==)But still i can't help noticing him. You might say that i am not...well..single-minded. The best part is, i noticed i can still be MYSELF when it's him, i don't even care to know when is his birthday or what is he intrested in( not that i don't know he is interested in someone...)

Despite Pacak Guy, he's more appealing. It's different, honestly, i feel different when i see him, it's just a short shock coming through my nerves and interpreted by my brain( science...==) I won't beg to see him everyday, because i am breaking the rules again if i do so, so i will just let it be like..."If i meet him today, it's a gift."

As for Jacob-face, he's now in the lowest ranking in my list. =P I am on my way of trying to kick him out. To be frank, i prefer Vetagen eventhough i have to sacrifice my hair for the day . He likes my hair...ewww... and one more thing, M.r is trying to be funny with me lately. He shooked hand with me before the sejarah test and he's been attentively aware of where my eyes wandered to during moral session and my sudden laughter or emotional gibbering.

That's all. i have to stop writting about boys in this post, if not, i will be writting about them in my test tomorrow.==


  1. suzanne ar...who is pacak guy ha

  2. wat black beauty!!!!!

    wow...im shock tat vetagen is affect u so much nwadays....

    who's Mr?

  3. foo~huh?~aiya~~~pacak guy lo~lol~~

    wan pei~~relly ma...
    yala, vetagen was my ex-jacob k....==

    MR ar....i will confirm wit u soon~~XD

  4. cnnt!! u agreed wif "ice beauty" tis name dy!!
    thn who's d present jacob?
    okok!! i will wait 4 u~~

  5. i don't have jacob for nw coz i don't have an Edward.XD

    haha~~don't get boomed~

  6. eh...vetagen...is....d annoying guy from my beside class....?

  7. which annoying guy form which side of your class?@@~

  8. the tall annoying tall prefect from my side class~~

  9. suzanne: oo~
    i will wait patiently and call ambulance stand by bsides me~

  10. worthless~~~there's so many tall ones~~which~~specific please~~

    pei~~~ST JOHN~`XD


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