Drafted on CNY day 3
Currently using my cousin sister's net book to type, I am using this opportunity before all those male cousins of mine start nosing in to the room for tetris battle. It was quite a fun new year this year, though i had to complete my homework. The stupid SEJ and Maths, wahaha!! COMPLETED. I got many ang paus this year, due to my birthday and also my trip to Taiwan, and my PMR results. I am trying to avoid people knowing I am going there, seems embarrass to tell them. > <. Taking ang pau was fun and funny, we lined up wishing grandma. Taking family pictures and my lovely cousin from NZ. By the way, I am allowed to colour my nails. Yeepy!! I finally saw my baby cousin from KL. Alright it's the best!!! He never stop laughing and screaming, I told WP that he's practicing his vocal, A good soprano. HoHo. But he can be really nasty when he's angry and frustrated. He can play with handkerchiefs for almost 10 minutes.== There were no fire cr...