Owh, I just miss my old self. I am not being me. No appetite at home, dreading every time it's time for me to leave the school. Hate it when there's no tuition. Not smiling. No immune towards Pacak's presence at all, I need my friends to pinch me. I ate alot at school. I didn't care if I were to sit with a bunch of malays or alone in the canteen. I just want to forget everything that I am facing now.I cannot concentrate in class. Wish I could be sick or something. I didn't even care to out talk Angkor Wad, because that's how I communicate with him if i have to.

I scared M today, WP and Xiu2. They noticed I was crying. During the assembly, my eyes were actually cloudy, I didn't want others to think i cried because of Pn.Foo's last speech. After assembly, WP said I was pale when i turned to look at Pacak.I walked in to my class, Angkor Wad sort of ask me why didn't I go yesterday. I just slammed my textbook and ignore him, though he continue mumbling. Then, i don't know, i just cried. I couldn't lift up my head because i wanted to hide my tears, Xiu2s eyes were sharp, she was the first to notice. WP knows I won't be allowing Angkor Wad to see or know that I am crying, so she said it loudly that I was just not feeling well. Thanks.=) M lent me a tissue, It was add maths, i really need to grab myself. I wasn't in a good mood at all till i went home. I even felt like crying when i hugged Pn Foo. She had said 2 words to me, keep participating. I don't think I can do it anymore.

Jot : (Just Saying)
1. You really spoil my mood when you started talking like him.
2. I am trying to ignore whatever kind of interactions you are having.
3. Spare me.


  1. +u at everything...
    if rily cnnt hold ur tears...
    jz cry as loud as u wish...
    after crying u will b better...
    although i dunno wat problems r u facing...
    but jz b strong...

    1. Thanks so much~ You too~ Dun stress yourself=)

      Btw, your first comment~XD


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