Second Year Dentistry at USM

Back from the dead--kind of. I am happy to announce that I have successfully completed my Second Year of Dentistry in USM Kelantan. It was a hard and long fought journey and I am glad I finally made it till the end. So, before this, I promised that I would write about my experience in the second year. Here goes the blast of tons of pictures. I apologize if there's too many, but there are just too many. Haha!

Moving on to Second Year with Everybody 

It's honestly the best present you can have every year. Which also means you get to spend another year with your comrades and go through everything together as one. Friends play a really important role especially in the second year, it is a year will you will find that you sometimes need some pillars of strength that keeps you sane and keeps you moving forward.

As you start the 2nd year, there will be many new subjects that will be introduced to you.  But this does not mean it is still 90% Theory and 10% Practicals like the 1st year. this year, it is more of like 70% practicals and 30% theory.  You will still have Human Biology II, but this year, you will focus more on pathogenesis and pathophysiology of the disease in each system of our body. You will be introduced to Paediatric Dentistry where it's all about kids and focusing on minimal intervention dentistry, taking a conservative and less invasive approach to retain more tooth structure if allowed. You will also learn about Dental Public Health, Biostatistics  in Community and Family Case Study (CFCS),  Preclinical Restorative Dentistry ( you will learn about Conservative Dentistry, Periodontics, and Prosthodontics with lots and lots of practicals), Preclinical Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental Materials ( which materials to use for which restorations and for oral prosthesis, Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology ( how to take X-rays), and Pharmacology  (which is all about the drugs used for common diseases and each body systems). You will have a mid year exam and Professional Exam II. There will be a remedial paper if you do not pass. And if still in vain, I am afraid your journey may have to end here.


For most of the Practicals, you will be working in Skill Labs and Prosthodontic Lab. Skill Lab is the place where you treat Phantom Heads. There, you spend most of your time crying because you couldn't get pass a doctor's signature or because you got injured by the bur. You will be doing your Periodontics and Conservative Dentistry, as well as Paediatric Dentistry in Skill Labs. You will apply your knowledge on Dental Materials as well, as in which Restorative materials to use or which dentin bonding agent to use and so on. You will get to know the names of the instruments you are going to use and each of their functions. Trust me, the first time you look at all of them, they look pretty much the same and it seems impossible to remember all of them and differentiate them. But by the end of year, you will know it by heart ( which is the best) because you kept on using them. This place is where you familiarize yourself with clinical life before you enter the third year.
You will learn how to make a cavity Preparation and filling it with restorative materials etc. You will get scolded or commented by Doctors when you make a mistake, but always stay open minded because you can pretty much expect the worst in Clinical Years. Always learn from your mistake, bear in mind that making the mistake now is much much better than making it on a real patient later on.


Rubber Dam and Clamps and Rubber Dam Frame. 

Amalgam Restoration. 
 Light Cure Unit

Composite Resin Restoration.
Oh, that's a Matrix Band. 

And for most of the year, you will practically be busy making dentures. You will have a demo and return demo. The Demo will be conducted on a real patient where you will learn all about taking impressions and noting the Jaw Relation during Try-in session. In USM, you have technicians that will help you while you make them. Take my advice, BE NICE. BE PATIENT WITH THEM. PRIORITISE THEM ( or at least make them feel they are being prioritised ) Why? Because you need them in your clinical years when issuing your dentures. They are sometimes more important than the doctors when it comes to getting the job done nicely and on time.

Featuring my Comrades in the Plaster Room --place where you dirty your lab coats.
Edentulous Model for making Full Dentures. 
Bite Blocks with the Base Plate and Occlusal Rim. 
Surveying for Undercuts.
Wire Bending. LOTS OF THEM. 


And Work.
Partial Dentures.

Full Dentures 

 You will also have a practical on Radiology. Where you will learn the types or oral Radiographs and the rules and regulations of taking a radio graph. Yes, you will be doing it on your friend, which is why it isn't something you can joke around with and trying to be an OCD getting the perfect shot and defy ALARA ( google that up). 

That's me being X-rayed by my Dentist-to-be. 

That's an X-ray taken by me. 

 This year too, you will have endless PBL (Problem-based Learning) Sessions. It is supposed to help you during your clinical years as you learn through given clinical scenarios and cases and discuss all the learning outcomes and objectives. You will have the chance to use a stethoscope, learn how to conduct physical examinations, learn how to take the blood pressure and well... take a mannequin challenge video for fun.


Learning how to read a Chest X-ray, don't ever think you will only be learning about oral radiograph. 


and of course..selfie again. 

Oh, and last but not least, you will be learning all about Oral Maxillofacial Surgery in the Dental Clinic. You will learn all about elevators, forceps for extractions of tooth and bone files. You learn about suturing and giving Local Anaesthesia  (nope, on a skull ) which you will perform in the third year ( yes, on your friend). And one thing, you will notice all the oral maxillofacial surgeons are extremely knowledgeable about medical and dental and that should be your aim and role model.

Group 4 always.
See how we have to climb on to the next cubicle's table during our demo haha. 
Suturing Armamentarium

Learning how to do a suture. 

CFCS Residency 1

This is the best part of the whole year. Sort of, because it is the time where you are actually out of the campus for community survey and study for a week and another full week for data analyzing. It's like a dental trip out with friends, but with homework, assignments, and presentations. Your group will be assigned a Village where you will conduct your residency 1. You will apply your knowledge on Biostatistics and you will have the chance to get to know the villagers you will be dealing with. It is a really interesting experience because it is that time of the year where you really need good communication and EQ skills and good cooperations and responsibilities. You can check out our CFCS R1 video here. 

CFCS Comrades. 

Interviewing. this household really stood out because it was really sad. 

Measuring and Weighing.

and charting. 

Interviewing most of the time.
Presentations and Presentations.

Data Entry, it's a critical process I didn't even notice my friend taking a selfie. 

Most importantly, we always manage to have some fun and enjoy ourselves. 
Owh, and  You must be wondering about our mode of transportation. 


Have lot's of fun. Seek out fun. Enjoy being fun. And you will feel alive. Be active among your batchmates. Try new sports. Go for spontaneous vacations and live to the fullest with no regrets. I will be posting pictures only to story all the amazing moments that I have has this year with all my friends. 

2017 countdown. There's a video too. 

Girl Mask Night. 

CCN Food Department
With Exco Director, because I am one of them behind the scenes haha. 
and in protocol department behind the scenes as well.
Celebrating my 21st Birthday with girlfriends. 
21st with Batchmates
Dental Farewell Dinner

Dental Farewell Dinner

BCN 2017

Dental Intervarsity

Dental Night 2017. 

Dental Chinese Reunion Dinner 2.0

International Cultural Festival 2017

Netball Team for Dental Interyear 2017. Silver Team. 

Volunteering at the Mobile Dental Clinic of Health Expo. 

Baking with le Girls. You can always count on the 3 of them if you want to see me prepare any food at all. 
Pork Satay for Supper. It was our first Outing too. the four of us.
Non-stop Cafe Rounds.

Milo Breakfast Run 2017

MKI 2017

Mooncake Festival 2017


Pulau Perhentian , Terengganu Trip. 

Blending in with le Medical Students. haha. 

First Time Snorkelling.
and you never really know who will you meet there by Coincidence. 

KL Trip with Murnians (Hostel Mates)

Tasik Kenyir Trip.

Archery during Wushu Family Day

Kayaking during Wushu Family Day. 

 All in all, it really depends on how you wanna live your life. It will be a memorable one if you find a way for it to be. Be adventurous and careful at the same time, but stay carefree. I can't believe it took me some time to go all out to enjoy my time as a busy student. In the beginning of the year, I really thought that things won't ever be the same again, especially when you lose someone who used to be so important to you. But then, from the sadness and heart ache and all, I found a way to heal myself by dealing with it face-to-face, cry in agony when I have to from time to time, and then move on again. Fall down seven times, get up eight times. Fall down eight times, you still get up anyway. There are some days where I feel like I am back at square one, but I always tell myself that the person who inflicted the pain on you does not care how you feel anymore,  because they do not have the obligation to be responsible for your feelings, you yourself are responsible for your own emotional state. Nothing can stop you if you want happiness unless you blind your heart with sadness.

Note : 
If you are intrigued to know more about what happen last year, click here to read about my first year :) 


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