
Showing posts from 2019

Fourth Year had been a tough journey. Better hopes for Final Year

Hi, I am back from Kelantan (or so, Kelantan-Pahang-KL-Pen) and about 1 week more before entering the final year. I am not ready. But I have to be. Not sure if I will be sharing on what 4th-year dentistry is all about-- because the drill is the same, every day you dragged your ass to class by 8.15 for an hour of lecture and 9am-5pm (and usually 6pm) will be a clinic and treating your patient. It's tough because this year is not as honey-moon as 3rd year because there are more patients to manage and many new skills to master immediately -- Endodontics, Fix Prosthodontics, Orthodontics, etc. This year's been tough. Tougher. Wasn't pretty, because of all the hiccups along the way. But I am glad I am not alone. Thanks to those who encouraged me--my family, best friends, batchmates and lecturers and many more that I finally made it up till this point. You cannot imagine how many times I feel like a complete failure and incompetent. Especially when I am Chinese, I tend to fee...