Written and Noted in my Mind

Life was beginning to grow bored when little specks of colour had began to fade of from my life. I had tried my very best to prevent the biggest speck of amomg all of them from turning a total white. I had thought about it and I still think the colour for you is blue. Blue reminds me of your quote, the blue sea. Blue reminds me of comparing you with water, u are strong and yet, soft. Now, enough with colours.

I cannot convince myself that although you are near to me and yet still too far for me to reach, I could not find any relevant reason for my choice for choosing you until this moment.. Yesterday was 30th of NOV 2010. You had manage to breeze through Moral and had just enough time for me to bait your answer. I was given the authority to start a new topic for a chat. And so I made up my mind it is time for me to fish out our answer personally.

"Why am I your chosen one?" As always, I would ask him any question in a staright forward manner. I hate suspense and I do not like others to endure it for my benefit. I would not wind him up, start a game of -why-don't-you guest-?- and have me end up with a mystery. I have to this my own way. I warned him before hand that I don't want the same answer since he had managed to get my answer without the -blue-sea- quote.

" Why? Well…I like you…that's all" This was his reply.

" No why?" Obviously, I am trying to force out the truth from him.

" Yup, no why..just ..like.." Upon reading this, I was surprised of how at ease I am of his simple answer. A person like me seem so easy to be content with just a few sweet answers. But, despite me feeling content about it, I am still not satisfied as I need to know a deeper truth.

" What about before, don't you find me funny or irriating at all?" This is what I wanted to know. Of all his answers, I have to make sure what was his oppinion about my first impression. The memories of my first meeting with him is so far , and yet still near enough for me to cling tightly around it.

" Nop, I have a liking towards you since our 1st meeting.." Ok, I fail to fish it out from him. = =!

After texting for a while , it suddenly occured to me there was something that I wanted to ask him, not important, but minor. I just wanted to know if his's friends were …erm ..you know…telling him something.

" Did xxx sms you telling you that he saw me on Saturday at about 7pm?"

Its was the day where I had finished my 2nd debate competition. We went to a restaurant for dinner. XXX came. I think he knows who I am, I am not that difficult to recognize. At that time, I was saying to myself " Will he get his phone and message some one?" I was prying and…GOSH, HE DID PULLED OUT HIS PHONE!

"Yup, he did. Why?"

"Nothing, I juz happen to come acrossed one of your friends."

"Owh, he didn't tell me about that..owh…is his sis pretty?"

" Yeah, she's pretty, don't you know her?"

"I know her…and I am talking to her right now..XD"

He was mainly trying to make me feel jealous. WAHAHA!! He failed!!! I told him he won't find me feeling jealous. What's the point to ruin my happiness where I had already gained both his answers and promises? And there's one more thing that I felt furious about. He actually wanted to come to Persatuan Hokkien to see me, but because of certain reason, he left for home. WHY WHY WHY!!!??? Why such a chance should be wasted in such an unfortunate way??!!!! As we continue chatting, we ended up flirting abit.( as what fish said )

I wasn;t sure what actually happened to him the day after that, he didn't text me and what I realize was it really hurt me when he said something in a hush-hush. I hate that.

I am sorry I can't continue writing about it for the time being.


  1. ohh~
    i oso wanna ask my him wats his thinking of my impression~~ (did my sentence correct??)
    oh ya, i wanna ask sumthing tat mayb will make u sad.
    after he graduated, y dont u both continue ur amour?? ur still cn sms each othr wat~ thn find sum chance to meet if cn~

  2. amour~~XD~~^^~
    yeah, i was planning that, but well you know..personal parental prob, plus self-guiltiness ><!!
    He wanted to see me that day, but 错过~T_T
    \PS~ "what does he think of my first impression"

  3. u like tis word rite~ ahah
    ur mom knw it dy wat~ so y dun u juz continue it? y will feel guilty????
    yeah, i knw.
    oo~ okok~~ thxx

  4. yes..got a song by the title of this.
    still cn gulty de ma...bcoz this is still forbidden for my age..hv to wait until i finish form 5 or go college leh~

  5. oo~
    yeah, me too. sumtimes i'll feel like i'm doing sumthg bad u knw~

  6. yup..心不安~~but still happy leh~~haha!!


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