1 JAN 2011

It's the first day of a NEW YEAR. J

I haven't start to bring up my hopes to me of what I am going face, how many things are there for me to face and the main thing, HOW TO FACE IT? As the afternoon session's were over, morning session will take over and that means a new life. Starting from now, many things will start occupying my mind, exams…schools…friends…and the fate I had just encountered last December.

Before today, I had made up my mind that I will TRY MY BEST NOT TO…or NEVER plunged into that kind of thing again until I am ready and completely free from the strangle of his memories. I had faced what fate had destined me to, I had learned that we will never be able to change what are we suppose to meet and who are we suppose to meet , what will, and what might not happen, except for your mind, your thoughts and your action towards the future, and It really does not do use good to DWELL IN DREAMS.

It's New Year, and I had the chance to step into my school compound in the early morning. I felt relieved to be back at school. The wide playground, the familiar faces of of my friends, the tables and wooden chairs, even the toilets…everything was as similar as last year, except for the fact that I will never be caught finding and spying on him again.

Of course, I am still the messenger of my friends. ^^~ but, i admit I felt guity. But I know when to stop when I have to. Sorry if I hurt your feelings, tell me if you want me to stop anytime.XD

That's all. I will write soon. Bye 2010, and 2011, here I come!


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