Today’s Sketch

Today's Memo…

Today's Sketch

Time : Morning, on my way to school.

Venue : In the Car

Topic : Relationship Talk with My Dad

A lucky thing it wasn't a SEX talk.=='

Dad told me his colleague told him I AM HAVING a BF. Well, if he said, I HAD, then maybe I might still tell my dad, maybe. But I really DON"T have one. He asked whether anybody is interested in me or I am interested in somebody. So, I told him, Nobody is interested in me. As for me to them, I think they are nice , but they are still normal. Everybody is still normal for me.

Personal Moments:

1, Saw A, but not the other. I didn't see Jacob-face as well. Vetagen talked to me again. I was really happy. But I hate to say, He's taller, and that makes me look like…a dude.==

2, I don't have time for myself, debate and exam. Stress. > <

3, I bought 1 keychain-like hanger from Azfar, RM 3.50.But I will only use it as a bookmark. It's yellow and really cute. On it is the word : HOPE. =)

4, I cut my hair. Duration: 1 hour. > < .My hip and backbone was very sore. And, it's the first and the last time I will let that aunty touch my hair. Alan's still my choice.

Short Notes : As I have to do it now …

I will not fall for him.

I must not fall for him.

I will never ever fall for him.


  1. so how did ur dad response after u ans him like tat??

    1. vitagen long time din talk 2 u dy?

    3. tat hanger looks cute, i admit XD

    4. y? wats wrong? it looks ok wat~

    u met him again? edward? how will it happen? he nt go 2 study dy?

  2. He told me " TRY not to get involve...blah3"

    1.yala~~he didn talk to me for a long time ,cz we are nt in the same class, and cnt be too close, if nt people will think silly things....

    3, wakaka!!! cute leh, my taste isn;t that bad...^^~

    4. i don;t like la, not nice, and abit TOO short.

    It's not Edward la. Edward is now busy with her Bella.

  3. oo~

    3. bt d 1 tat u say u bought at butterworth 1 nt cute pun~~

    thn? u hv new guy dy........ who's tat?

  4. k lo~~~not cute lo~~==

    i don;t have new guy la...< == >


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