i thinked you looked at me.

I caught you looking at me today. Thrice. I was wondering if it was just my hallucination, maybe i was being stupidly euphoric, maybe you were just looking at one of the pretty girls behind me. Yet, thrice I caught you in a row, both of us shifting away our eyes whenever our eyes met. Even my friend told me you stoled a look at me. Honestly, I was shocked at what you did. I felt that old and familiar shyness whenever I see you, it was so obvious today. The only memory i have had of you was just the time when two of us played fraud. I have always wanted to talk to you, just like a normal friend should be. But it's always because of your friends that kept you from doing so. I just wish we could just talk, nothing extreme.

When was it that i started to notice you again?

  • P/S: nothing to do with Pacak or A.


  1. if like means jz let it b la.. y muz 2 think so much...

  2. Pei, u will understand if i tell you, that's why i didn't tell you.

    Ping~this post is not abt them.haizzz.


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