July Jots.

Current Status : BUSY AS A BEE..> _ < lll

I couldn't set my mind to PMR mode. I am lack of time and the perseverance i need to face it. Trial is around the corner, but i have been focusing on Choir and Debate. Being the current secretary, i have to pick up all the things as quickly as i can. I have been trying to complete all the external exercise so that i can proceed to my Past Year Questions. Currently left with Science, Maths, Geo, Sej and KH...all the tit-bits.

Pick up quite a close friend lately. But i am trying to keep my distance, i don't want another Edward. Vetagen's case, i can say, i think it's an end, spoiled by himself. PLEASE~ I NEVER SAY A THING .

PS : Song For July ~ Stand With You By the Mountain by Savage Garden.

I will update if there's anything.


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