21st DEC 2012

First of all, It's sunny today. No doomsday after all. =D So, be grateful.

My cousins went back to KL yesterday after staying here for a week. They have in fact helped a great deal in clearing our junk food and refrigerator, and I believed I have put on weight. I can feel the fat =D
Nixon got his PMR results on THE 19. 7A's 1B. The culprit was his mandarin. Mom and Dad couldn't believed it. They gave a bet on 5 to 6 A's. I sms-ed to 15888 around 10 to try out and see if he can get his results. I sms-ed for mine last year, but what came back was "Sorry…" . Damn, I thought it was bad. This year was different, as soon as I got the text it showed the results and I hooted out like an owl. I was the first to know his result.
Then, now it's all out. Congratulations Nixon. Double E, EXCEED EXPECTATION!!

Next year's my FREAKING YEAR, SPM. The Chinese is giving me headaches. It seems like I will be taking 11 subjects. Of course I don't like taking, but I have to think about my parents. Parents have their privilages,they say, and sometimes, I can just feel that this is written on my mum's forehead, 13 VS 11. So it's quite clear that 10 won't do. I would prefer the hard way then, for the sake of having peace, and maybe, just try my luck on it.

 Jot :
Ages. Boxes gone as expected. I wonder if it's because of all the blocking.


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