ONe DAY...i don'tKnow what to say...

2day was well...wat to say?? boring plus a little bit of fun?
had a st john meeting 2day~~quite least i wasn't kill by all the "sumbody"...
stayed at blok cekal the whole day..i didn't enter the class at all..
missed KH, GEO, and MATHS~~LOL~~from 2.45 to 6.30...with best friend...
talking about our SECRETS..normally gossiping..
exchanging oppinions about sumthing strange yet intresting...
a bit sad he didn't cum to school...lazy bone...=P
relly wish he had...
heard a lot of intresting things today..quite unbelievable actually....
sumthing i knowed
and sumthing i never knew before...
sumthing about catching fish or wat??
not sure...and about handphone...
yeah...they all teased me about sumbody...LOL...
hmmm...u asked me if i was jealous...
actually.....i am not in the least jealous...
i felt glad to know that you kept your promise ...
so its ok for me..even if wat they told me is true...
i don't care...i am happy with wat i had...
everybody's sky is actually of the same colour...
the only problem is what colour do you think the sky is?


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