The RAIN came…and you will be Gone…

Firstly....Hope you love the rain today..i love it...

2day seems to be abit unsure for me...
Happy .sad .lonely.boring.......ok.MOSTLY LONELY.....
I finally noe wat I like abt you....
I like ur self-initiative….of course….i m the opposite of wat u are...
I owez love to remember those days...
Where everything is so easy and simple…..
The days where you and me were owez together…talking non-stop……..
Hmmmmmmmmm.............i love teasing you........haha!!
you nvr realize tat i was buzily checking on you...
owez wanted to noe more abt you.....
i noe you will realized where we have reached now...
because i realized it too......
i wanted to keep it....
to keep wat you have inserted into my life...
i wanted to keep writting abt you...
i wanted your name to continue to appear in my diary...
i want you to never fade away in my life.... will nvr noe...
how on earth are you going to noe wat i am thinking...
unless....u read this....
unless you noe tat i am writting about you...
unless I have the courage to face you..and tell you .....
all those lies that I have been lie to myself....
there is not much time now...

Well…the rain comes...juz like my feelings abt you...
It came down....and dissapeared...juz as it had came...
You came...and you will be gone....


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