Good Day Jots ^^~

Jots :

1. Mistaken our new Pengetua as a School Labourer.

2. Stood for one period listening to a teacher's speech in class.

3. I forgot all about Pacak. I couldn't recognize him at all. Gotta Reconduct.

4. Finding teachers the whole day. So, Che2 was almost annoyed by me. and Miss Ng. Thank God she's Samsudin.

5. RUdui. XD

6. Fish admitted : " My 'Mother'..." Gosh. > <

7. Told him and my friends about the dream. I cancelled out one finer point. That's abit unsuitable.

8. We ended up in circles today in the staff room. XD

9. First time I shouted your name and said goodbye.

10. I laughed alot today. Good Day ^^

PS :

Kelwin, tell her if you want, Don't tell if you accept the way she is. Be prepare for any coming storm. Be smart if she dumps you. :) I only give opinions, and they are not really effective. But still, follow your heart.

They will be lucky to have you anyway. =D


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