1 Penang 2 Him

I am currently in Penang. Dad had made the decision that he wanted to bring us to 白衣堂 to pray.( i think so).I went in and say the prayers with them for about 15 minutes, squatting there. Then , we ate the vegetarian food prepared by them. We then continue to my Grandmother's house, I am really annoyed by that dog,Amy (XDXD), he's really sensitive to red, and it so happen that i wore red.==. My dad's the worst, he kept bothering that dog with that stick. That dog was showing it's teeth, and it's a bitch.> < Then, we went to buy that Tau Sa Pia by Shun Heang. That old lady, with a face that never change (ever since my dad knows her), she only gave us 5 tongs even though my dad had ordered 10. Well, it's her habit. Then, lunch. One thing that i am really grateful for is that i am not staying in Penang. Why? I do become a pig by now if i had stayed there. I ate Char Koay Teow, Curry Mee, Koay Teow Theng...and some sort of Kuih.Don't worry, i didn't all of them by myself. I am surely going to miss it next year.

About him. We had passed by a stall when my said :" Whey, Suzanne, that guy looks like XXX" ==! I was totally dumbfounded that how could she just say that. Yesterday, my mum had been nagging me the whole day about relationships when my brother wasn't in. In the evening, while we were having dinner, my mum started that topic by saying that if i don't learn how to cook or whatever, I won't survive, Bla3. Then she suddenly said :" Suzanne, don't you wanna tell dad about it." and i didn't even nod, she just continue :" Your daughter has an admirer." ==! Great. Now both of them know. But dad wasn't really that bad, he said that I make my own decision, and that I should know how to evaluate myself. Mum asked why did I have that feeling, so i just said : " I feel that I am myself whenever I am with him, I don't have to act like another person. I can be angry if I want, be mad if I want " XD. Mum agreed with me. :) She had said that that's reasonable. But the thing is, i think i am still not use to having relationship talks. 

I read Fish's blog. I felt really sorry for her. Hope she gets over it soon. Take care. I will be there for you. :3

Jot : 
That Person,
     After that stupid day, I still haven't apologize. Sorry.
     but I like the way we are now,  err...

     do you?


  1. hey, ur mum was cool. n u too. ur xplaination on ur feeling. wow. XD

    n, wasnt ur dad vry strict abt tis?

  2. my mum said it was correct. @@~
    i am not really sure, but that is what i feel. :)

    in this case, my dad's better. -.-ll


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