I thought I would share my experience as a matriculation student in KMP 2014/2015.Some students have taken the liberty to call and asked me for my advice. I am honored and I hope you guys had made the best decision for yourself.

1.Why did I choose Matriculation Program

Based on 2 reasons:
 1.Financial Means
       You can dream, but you must also be realistic. I would assume all Malaysian students would understand why. My family couldn't afford to pay for a private course, especially when I am aiming for Dentistry. My fee for the whole year for Science stream (Module 1) is RM550. I also have a stipend of RM250 every month.Which is quite reasonable , if you close an eye about the quality of the accommodation and facilities. The first week might be bad, after that, its practically fine.

2. Duration
       It is only for a year. A-Levels takes 2 years, Form 6 takes 2 Years. Unless you're taking Foundation. I am not saying shorter means easier. Instead, I think it is the other way round. Time is so precious that you can't afford to waste any minute of it. Well, its a different case for those who failed their 1st semester, in Science Stream. You can repeat it for 2 years in KMK(Kedah).However do bear in mind that opting for Matriculation does not guarantee you anything. This case is often seen when students who did well in their matriculation but did not managed to get offered their dream course by any IPTA. Unfortunately, this students may have to turn to private institutions and sometimes the requirement for them to register for the course is study a year of foundation in their university.

3.Are the Lecturers Good?

I don't think I am the right person to judge.I myself have met a few lecturers who really left a mark on me and I will never forget them for all their help and guidance. But I think we should always choose to look on the positive and bright side, if you pay RM550 for matriculation and about RM10000 plus for a private foundation course ( The first year) Well, I think it is reasonable, after all you get what you pay for.
Plus, entering college is the time for you to adjust to a new life, and become more independent and resourceful. You will eventually work it out. Plus, what's more to worry when you have technology at your fingertips.

4.Surrounding ?

Trust me, you will either get used to it or you hate it. Nothing worse than that. Besides, I think its a place where no matter how bad it becomes. you will come to cherish the good moments that come along with it. And by the end of the day, you will want time to move slower. You will meet friends who will change who you are and help you to grow. You will have the chance to know yourself better. Mostly, you will leave with a heavy heart and you will always reminisce all the good times.

5.Daily Timetable?

I have to be honest that its more a less like high school. But it really depends on the college and the semester. Mine was practically from 8am to 5pm every weekdays. Yes, its tiring. But that's the only way you can finish your syllabus.But, don't worry , you will get used to it.


Hell Yes! You have UPS( Ujian Pertengahan Semester) and PSPM ( Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi) for each semester ( Semester 1 and 2) .These exams will contribute to your 4.0 and, inclusive of your assignments and quizzes.


Depends on your module.
Science Stream
M0001 : 3 sciences, Mathematics,English, Moral, Dinamika ,Kokurikukum
M0002 : No Biology, replaced by Technical
M0003 : No Physics, Replaced by Computer Science

Accounting Stream

Many people seem to get stuck with this problem :
Should I discontinue my current course in Private and choose Matriculation?

That, I have no definite answer. I took what I was given, with what limited choices that is available. But, at the end of the day, if you think for the same course, maybe with less experienced lecturers , and not so good accommodation is not big deal for you, I think it is worth considering. If you think you're are sure you are ok, and confident with your current condition in private institutions, there is no harm in continuing what you are now. There is no right and wrong, you just have to try because that's how you will learn to take risk, and then, learn from your mistakes, and leap forward.

---Entirely A Personal Statement--- If any wanderer came along.

Note : 
If you are wondering where has the Matriculation Program taken me, well, I am now a student who was lucky enough to be accepted by USM Health Campus in Kubang Kerian. I am sure you can all work out which course am I in. :) Till this day, I am still extremely grateful for the opportunity given to pursue this course. If you would like to know more about my journey, here are a few links :

1. Preparing for Interviews for IPTA
    (it is for a specific course, but you may still check it out for reference, who knows we are on the  
    same journey ? )
2. Preparations before Entering University
    Wondering what are the steps you have to cover once you are being accepted to a university? Click     here to find out and i hope it helps in little ways possible.
3. Life as a first year Student in USMKK
    Wondering what have I been up to ?


  1. Hi, i got kmp too is dentistry course really really difficult to get?Some said that even with good koko marks and result one might still not get the course that they preferred .Anything that juniors should know?Thanks in advance.

  2. I would say anything that you obtain in Matrikulasi is not a guarantee to anything at all. You have to have faith and do well in your interviews and of coz, luck and rezeki. I do not deny that Dentistry is a high demand , hence a very competitive course to be offered, especially in public universities, where there are only 3, in which about 50-60 quota for each uni if there are no changes. Anything you should know ? If you put your mind to it, there will be a way, work hard on your interviews and we will reap what we sow :) you can pm me for any questions. Whicb batch are you ?

  3. hi, thx for replying .I'm entering matriks next month.I got jpa scholarship too.Do u think i should choose ipts or ipta?bcuz a lot of my friends advice me that i should not take matriks as it is really risky ?If we do nt get the course of our choice then we can only accept the course that they give.How can i contact u?Thx a lot.

    1. You see, there are many uncertainties in this world. We have to play by the risks as well. It depends on what you really want, what you think you are capable of. But there are a few facts that i cannot disclose her publicly. You can contact me via my email - @ my facebook. Suzanne Yeoh ( my profile picture is staring at a lake)

  4. should i take matriks or stpm?..please help me..

  5. Hi, you should ask yourself a few questions first ,
    1. what are you aiming to do in the future? why ? because you need to survey because there are pros and cons of choosing matriks.
    2. IPTA/IPTS. If IPTA, try to take matrik, if IPTS, no need to worry about it i guess ?
    3. Any plans to go oversea? If yes, STPM would be a better choice.
    4. Are you independent? You will only be able to survive and score 4.- in matriks if and only if you are independent, independent to stuudy and do practices etc.

    if you have any questions about matriks, feel free to email me at

  6. Hi, I would like to ask about the subjects that I will be studying...I got kmp for accounting and I would like to ask whether the subjects will be taught in English or BM?


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