The Ugly Nylon Bike

It was one evening, and I was running through some old album.
I found this picture, of me. Riding the bike.

I honestly don't remember a part of it. I remember the bike of course, because I did not like the colour. The dress, YUP, and even that pine tree behind me that is no longer around.

Every time I looked at the young me, it occurred to me that sometimes you just need to try without knowing the direction, taking risk, and you will find your way. My dad say I was never brave enough to ride it, and he ended up installing extra wheels so that it became a "quatercycle"---- a tricycle, actually. I was so happy at it that I forgot to notice that one day, my dad had removed it, and you know what, I was on my way with the wind, with a few falls of course.

I don't know where that bike is now, but it's nylon colour has always been a strong reminder that there's always a way for everything in this world.


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