24th Dec 2012

As usual, Saturday, dad wasn't going to work. So, dad asked me to go for a swim I didn't ignore. I should since I wasn't a person who really exercise, so, I woke up at 6.30 just for a swim.

I decided to leave my phone behind, thinking I won't be needing it, but i was quite wrong. It so happened that remembered that my friend will be having a test, Undang, they say. So, I borrowed my dad's phone and typed a short message, but I realised I didn't have the number. I recalled that I used to call my friend with my dad's phone, so I proceeded to the call history but in vain. So I ended up punching up the number that I could remember, thinking if I got it right. In the end, I found out I had one wrong number. Whatever, that person who received must be feeling weird why would he have to go for the Undang test ? XD

I finished 10 laps within a short time, faster than usual. The Carmen boy was sharing a lane with Lim Jet and I was wondering if he was mad at me or something, he kept looking to my side. I wasn't even using his lane. Whatever, the point is, I realised I am just so lazy to tumble-turn. Dad asked me why he can tumble but not turn, I answered : " You didn't drink as much water as I did." =D Angkor Wad told me that tumble-turns are being moulded (sort of ) using the large jumping pit ( the one that can be seen at arena sport centre where you do be able to jump really high up.) I didn't know that.

I finished The Speech of Angels. My pace was abit slow as I normally read it past midnight. The whole story was like, sometimes I couldn't understand certain parts. There were fragments of Jyothi's past, present future, internal struggle, conflicts between love and music ( she's a violinist ), all jumbled up,but I could still pick up the main point.

What matters the most is, Jyothi's way of dealing with Dean is the same as mine.


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