say something reject-ful please.

I just finished my add maths. Whatever, that question. -.- Confusing sequence though it isn't.

Jot :

1. Called Hazard. It was rude since I asked him that kind of question, I am really sorry. No, It wasn't really me asking. Honestly. I really mean it that I won't ask him silly questions, never again.I was just unhappy that mum actually did stand  by the door to listen to what we had been talking. She did come in with a Knock, I didn't even say OK.Don't knock then. I wasn't doing anything bad, but then sometimes I just strayed of in a chat with my friends. She do think until the end of brink. That brink, and sure enough, her hint was clear. Whatever. I have my own conscience. Anyway, I owed him a thank you.

THANK YOU, though this is "not sincere"

2. I know it shouldn't have been this way after being truthful, Damn truthful, or even being truthful. I guess my mind whirls the wrong way, gets dirty, gets rocky, and then I tried to  polish it. People said that I was thinking too much. Yeah, I have to agree. However, sometimes these ruminating process forms the barrier. I mean any barrier between the good and bad ones.
Writing short sentences seem to help these days, I hope mum didn't get any of it or she would shoot me to death.
I can't help to feel pathetic of myself, I mean why did I want to even say those things. now that I came to think of it. I talked to IU, ( LOL) Yeah, it's abit creepy, I always talk to mirrors. I do scold the reflection for being reckless or something, the magic works but wears of if I don't reinforce or visit it frequently.

 Sometimes I wish you can just say something that's reject-ful enough to break the glass.

I am over the boundaries,again, it's just time that I continue the dealing with Dean.


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