My mode was at first happy. Just Simply. Happy. I realise that my brother trusted me. He told me that he like a girl in his school but gave up as his friend was a step ahead from him. Though I admit, I would have done exactly the same thing, but I am different. he's the guy. So, I just told him that in future, don't you dare give up just like that unless that girl is completely hopeless. I guess he just brought in the issue by asking me if i have ever like anybody. I have. Sorry to say that. He asked me to tell him, due to some reasons, i told him i like Pacak. Well, honestly, I do. I am still crazy about him though it was just seeing him through his facebook timeline. I just went out to the Padang today when I saw Pradip playing football, they were always one Gang, well, Not always, sometimes =)

Jots :

I was excited. I was determined to be oblivion. ( love this word ) I was asking myself to be grateful. I entrusted myself with a will where I would be the one who would leave your world alone. I believe that I could. I am sure I was trying.
 I was confused now that if I give it all up, would I want it to be that way? I was the one who started all this mess, who pushed it over the boundaries. It was a deal that we made and agreed to abide by it, but what would happen if you don't?
If I don't?

What if it's me being too pathetic to even believe in it that everything was normal if I want it to be ?

What if I was actually wrong about what was really underneath your skin ?


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